Your inputs
This whole web page is made in Excel!
This web page is an application created in Excel and uploaded to Molnify as a web app. Molnify is a service that makes web-based applications of your Excel files or Google Sheets models. All logic in your Excel file is intact and fully functional in the uploaded app and you can interact with it as if you were working in your Excel file.The benefits of having your Excel file or Google Sheets model as the app are many;
- You get an attractive and easy-to-work app where you can easily change the input data and directly see results, this from a laptop, mobile phone or tablet.
- It is easy to update your app and if you share it with several, the update takes place directly for everyone like this access to the app.
- You only show what you want to show in your app. Underlying formulas, price lists or other calculation factors are still there and functioning, but if you do not want to show them, then no one comes to them. Molnify has the same level of security as most Swedish banks.
- You don't need to know any programming language - regular Excel skills are enough.
- It's fast! Molnifying an Excel model usually takes less than an hour.
If you want to test making apps of your Excel files, visit