Budget Impact Model

Q-Front Intro
Welcome to this demo version of our Q-Front application! The app you’re looking at today is an example of how Q-Front can be adapted to visualize a budget impact model (BIM). In this example, a New Treatment for Disease X has been created and stakeholders are interested in seeing the financial impact of introducing New Treatment into the market with existing treatments, Alpha and Beta. In the model, two scenarios are compared; the existing market for treating Disease X, and a hypothetical scenario where the New Treatment has a share of the market. The model description below gives more details of how the background model works. This BIM adaptation is just one of many possible uses for this web-based value tool. Please contact us if you’re interested in finding out more!
Model description
This model conducts budget impact analyses of introducing New treatment instead of Alpha and Beta in patients with Disease X. In the first year after launch, 20% of the patients are assumed to recieve New treatment. Treatment penetration is then assumed to increase by 10 percentage points each year until the end of the model horizon (5 years).
In this section you can change the settings for the patient population, including region, the population size (default values available by region), the percentage of at-risk patients, incidence in the at-risk population, the proportion of treated patients and the age group. You can also change cost-specific characteristics, such as including tax and discounting costs.
Patient population
Other model settings
currency units
currency units
currency units


Patients in risk population

Avoided events with new treatment (5 yrs)

Patients presently treated

Total 5-year impact (1,000 currency units)

Total costs for both scenarios, by category (1,000 currency units)

Expected budget impact (1,000 currency units)

This illustrates the high level business case for the payers

Distribution of disease costs

Distribution of disease cost in selected sub-group

,Market share of new treatment,Patients in risk population,Year 1,Year 2,Year 3,Year 4,Year 5,

Market share development Year 1 - Year 5

Expected market share development of the new treatment vs. Alpha, Beta & No treatment